High quality Kitchen renovations with true style. Contact Us

Contact Us

No.1 Lady Tradie experience

At No.1 Lady Tradie our vision is to create a space for empowered women to transform houses into homes. We'll help you design your Kitchen to ensure that the end product is something you'll love for the years to come.


Custom designed Kitchens tailored for your needs & style.

Got a question about a Kitchen renovation?

Speak to one of our friendly team today for any Kitchen renovation question you have.

How long does a Kitchen renovation take?

Every renovation varies due to the size of the Kitchen but usually a week is all that is needed for a kitchen to be completed.

Do we coordinate Plumbing and Electrical?

Yes, we have friendly and reliable tradies who we use for Plumbing and Electrical.

Do we install Tiled/Polymer splashbacks?

Yes, we have experienced tilers who are able to install splashbacks.


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